St. Paul’s outside the walls is the second largest church in Rome after St. Peter’s, built by the emperor Constantine on the burial site of the Apostle Paul and now the shrine of the faithful and of pilgrims coming from all over the world to venerate the Apostle to the Gentiles.
The XIII century has been the greatest moment of splendor and has left its legacy of precious art works: the mosaic decoration of the apse, the gothic canopy above the papal altar, the wonderful cloister with a hundred refined marble columns , the most beautiful in all Rome.
Running round the walls a complete portrait gallery of the 265 pontiffs from St. Peter’s to Benedict XVI , as it is tradition that the portrait of the newly elected pope is added to the series.
Along the famous Appian Way , we still see remains of the rich funerary pagan monuments that made the road so famous, but today we are here to visit the poor, early Christian cemeteries, the catacombs.
Catacombs are complex networks of underground passages dug on several levels used by the Christian for burial, they are found in many places around the Mediterranean but the most extensive are those of Rome, 60 in total .
The full extent is not known but must total hundreds of kilometers, each one providing room for thousands of tombs, along the walls and in the ground….
With our expert guide any false myths about catacombs will be dispelled!